Sunday, June 14, 2009

things get smaller as you get older

over the past few weeks, i've been doing some work at my old grade school (a website project), so i've had the opportunity to visit some of the classrooms and bathrooms, that i frequented as a child. for all you perverted, smart asses out there, the school is not in session, and there are no children there at this time (summer break and the joys and pain associated with that). i didn't want anyone thinking that i'm cruising schools full of children; i know where your gross, deranged minds are and i know the dirty thoughts that live inside your minds, so clarification was in order.

anywho, moving i began to look at the various rooms of my old 'learning center', i started to play a film in my head, a film consisting of bits and pieces of memories of when i was a boy, attending this school. it was almost like a slideshow flashback; as i stood in the main building, i could see people, both teachers and fellow students, moving around me, as if it were happening in real life. the smell of achievement and the bad uniforms and the pressure of being the best of the all flooded back into me, as if i had never left and had been stuck in the place for the last 20 years. but everything and everyone, there were so much smaller than they were before.

my memories were crystal clear, as if they had been shot in high definition, and the buildings and rooms therein had not been changed or altered in any way, shape, or form, but as i took in the sight, everything was smaller. and i wondered why....why was it smaller? was it because i had grown, or was it because the little boy, that i once was, percieved the world to be a much bigger place than it really was?

when i was young, i was awestruck at the magnitude of my surroundings, and maybe, even a little intimidated. but now, i see the same structures, and how little the world of my youth really is, and it makes sad. these towers and walls, that at one time, represented discipline and knowledge, have become small and inconsequential. the world has grown smaller and colder, and indeed, i miss, how great the eyes of my younger self, made my previous world appear to me.

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